
Showing posts from May, 2010

Cartoon - Plan B

The Google TV. Do you know it?

The Google Company just release a new one; The Google TV ! A 'multimillion-channel' TV came up to change the way to find out entertainment through of television. I will not talk too much here, because we can see all details from the video below. Check this out!

The Infrastructure Behind of Cloud Computing

Have you heard about Cloud Computing, haven't you? I think so... But, if you do not work with Information Technology, I think you do not know many details about the structure that companies that are offering this technology has to have inside their Data Centers. **Note: This post was translated from "Os bastidores da nuvem" , writen by Gilberto Mautner and published at " Info Blogs ". Ok, let's go ahead... To create an Internet Service Provider based on Cloud Computing, or something like this, the companies need to have many computers in their Data Centers, but these computers cannot be simple machines, I mean, these computers must be super machines. They are the Server Machines! To be a Server Machine, the computer should hav more powerfull processors, much more memory, and much more disk space. To see one of many models of actual Servers, Click Here . Server Machines, not as many people think about, do not need a keyboard and a monitor to ea...

Where do we taking our world?

By Cartoons Of the Week