(New Guitar Unboxing) Epiphone Les Paul Studio 2020

As they say, We gotta do what We gotta do and that's it, right?

I was born in Brazil 42 years ago, but I moved to United States of America in 2018, only 2 years ago.
I'm still like a kid here, who does not know almost nothing! It's very hard, but I can clearly see progress everyday...

Actually I am a self-student of english, between many other things like Linux, guitar, jiu-jitsu, so on, and I have to make sure to practice my english every day. The speaking, reading and writing, and specially the listening, which I believe is the most important part of it all.
Because "The more you listen, The more you learn!!!" ;-)

So, in my opinion one of the better ways to practice the whole thing is recording ourselves.

In doing that we're able not just to watch yourself, but we "save" that moment and we can follow our progress from there at any time.

All right!
I recorded an unboxing of that new brand guitar, in english...
Check it out...
If you can, let me know your opinion about it.
Leave it in the comments session.
I really appreciate it!



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